Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week 8

 days Until Final Projects due!!!


That is really unbelievable. I can not imagine how fast this course is going, and I still doubt that week 8 is finished!!

This week was a little bit stressing. It included some important topics of discussions and tasks to be done. They are as follows:

1-    Participating in the discussion about exercise generators in at least two post on the class on Nice net.
2-    Create a template for a handout, exercise, or a class site.
3-    Provide a draft of the projects and share them with the partners in order to give each other feed back and evaluation.
4-    Reflect on this blog, as it is the habit.

This weeks' topic about exercise generators was really important mainly because it gave us knowledge about how to create websites, online exercises, puzzles, and wikis to be used in teaching. It reflects the way these elements contribute in encouraging learners' autonomy. The projects are now about to be ready. Every member in the course have now created a draft which is evaluated by his/her partner the previous week.
It is 5 days until final projects due!!!